Monday, November 22, 2010

An Indian, a Pilgrim, and a Mouse!

What a title!
An Indian, a Pilgrim, and a Mouse... Oh My!
Last week brought all of the above, plus a bunch of cuteness,
lots of thankfulness, and tons of fun!
I better explain....

Thursday, Cole had his first party in 3P at his new school.
They did a little program in their classroom for Thanksgiving.
They dressed as Indians, sang some cute songs, and had a little Thanksgiving snack!

Cole's class singing (Cole is the second from the left)

My cute little Indian!
Cole and Me! (I made the blog!)
Cole's turkey... It says I am thankful for HORSES!
Who Knew??? I love the answers kids will come up with out of no where! :)
Friday, Scout's class had their Thanksgiving Feast.
The K-4 classes dressed as Indians and Pilgrims, sang songs, and ate lunch.

Scout's class dressed as pilgrims.

Thursday, she came home as an Indian (Princess Blue Bell),
but she took off her costume before I could get a picture.

Daddy and Scout at the feast!


Friday night, we celebrated Jake's 7th birthday at Chuck E Cheese!
His real birthday is on Thanksgiving Day this year so we celebrated a little early this year.
He had a sports theme party (Alabama and Auburn).
The boy absolutely LOVES football, and he really likes every team!
He got an Alabama football, an Auburn football, Alabama and Auburn shirts,
glow in the dark footballs, a flag football set, some cool toys,
lots of money, and so much more!
His favorite was his Cam Newton jersey Grandmama and Granddaddy bought him!
Eating pizza and cake!
Playing some games!
And Jake's favorite event of the night...
The ticket blaster!

He got to take one person in with him, and of course, he picked his cousin Connor!

They had so much fun in there! Jake got over three hundred tickets!

He had a great party.

It was a busy, crazy, wonderful week!

1 comment:

  1. Cute, cute! I have never seen the ticket blaster. The girls had a great time at the party.:)
